Grid Article Block

This page will show you some designs of our Grid article blocks which will be usually used when you want to show some posts with attractive design.

The below block will show a simple grid with just title for each post.


You can input title of block and  block description as you want. The title can be input with an icon and link also (you can click the title to check).

The View All link can be customized also. The below Grid block will be shown with post snippet, category name and meta information included.


The following Grid will show with a custom main color (light orange) and all information except the date.

We also show review score and disable read more text from this Grid . And we set a short  snippet for each post and more posts for the block.

Other Grid Designs

We have EIGHT designs of grid, the below blocks will show those designs with only the title of posts.

Actually the Grid design is very flexible, you can change a lot of settings to get whatever design you want.